Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Interactionist Paradigm

The interaction paradigm is one of the three major approaches we use to do sociology. It's associated with George H. Mead and others who focus on the ways we humans behave among ourselves through the use of language and its subjective meanings. In order to develop a sense of "self" and to get along with others we need to develop shared symbolic meanings. That's the focus of this approach. It focuses on individual relationships and is associated with social psychology.
In sociology, interactionism is a theoretical perspective that derives social processes (such as conflict, cooperation, identity formation) from human interaction. It is the study of how individuals act within society. Interactionist theory has grown in the latter half of the twentieth century and has become one of the dominant sociological perspectives in the world today. By using the term interactionist we refer to scholarship in the tradition of symbolic interactionism as well as other frameworks and perspectives that emphasize interpretations and meanings of social actions and interactions.
interactionist is a theoretical perspective that derives social processes (such as conflict, cooperation, identity formation) from human interaction. It is the study of how individuals act within society.
Herbert Blumer (1969) set out three basic premises of the perspective:
·> "Humans act toward things on the basis of the meanings they ascribe to those things."
·>"The meaning of such things is derived from, or arises out of, the social interaction that one has with others and the society."
·>"These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the things he/she encounters."
Blumer, following Mead, claimed that people interact with each other by interpreting or defining each other's actions instead of merely reacting to each other's actions. Their 'response' is not made directly to the actions of one another but instead is based on the meaning which they attach to such actions. Thus, human interaction is mediated by the use of symbols and signification, by interpretation, or by ascertaining the meaning of one another's actions (Blumer 1962). Blumer contrasted this process, which he called "symbolic interaction," with behaviorist explanations of human behavior, which does not allow for interpretation between stimulus and response. Blumer believed that the term symbolic interactionism has come into use as a label for relatively distinctive approach to the study of human group life and human conduct.

The interactionist paradigm is most focused on meaning-making and interactions among human beings. Within this broad paradigm, (which is not mutually exclusive of the conflict paradigm), the social world is seen as consisting of fluid, contingent meanings created by people, which need to be understood within their own material and imagined contexts. Imagined contexts are the collective memories and actions that people share about a particular place or experience (Anderson 1991).  The primary goal of interactionist paradigm is to understand the social world and its collectivities (i.e. representations of multiple groups) by examining how people construct and act in their social worlds. While there are multiple varieties of interpretive approaches, they share the perspective that the social world is produced and reproduced through constant engagement with other and oneself, made possible through language and shared understandings and interpretations.Interactionist theories do not assume that the meanings of things are inherent or intrinsic to those things, but rather they are mutually and collectively constructed and define and can be redefined as human interact with another (Blumer 1969; Strauss 1993)

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

needs analisis (esp)





1.      Students' Analysis

a)      General information

Name               : Gugun kurniawan
Age                  : 22 years
Gender                        : male
School             : Siliwangi university informatics technique
b)      Needs assessment
1)              Experience during the learning EFL
It felt awkward and embarrassed when speaking, because a lot of the wrong word, the teacher often scolded when studying because it's hard to concentrate, and contributed to the decline in the value of English subjects, and is also used when learning EFL, it is difficult to memorize the tenses and its structure , when the presentation was very difficult at all if you have to use English.

2)   Motivation
Because I am weak in English language, and I also really want to learn English because they are the universal language of English, is in need in times like the current progress.

3)      EFL learning difficulties
1. English was not yet entrenched among students because English is still considered a foreign language support is difficult to learn.
2. To deepen interest in the English faculty thnik not least because the main course.
3. Teaching staff (lecturer) only discuss the general nature only.
4. It difficult to concentrate in the study the English language.
5. Facilities in the study of English language support is still minimal.
6. Many words are difficult to read and memorized.
4)        Sense of learning EFL
I am feeling very happy when learning EFL, despite the many difficulties that I encounter, because I think learning English is essential for the future, because it can not deny that in the department of informatics of this technique in the English language is needed for translation of program data it is essential to achieve a program on the computer.Objectives into the course.Because I studied at the faculty of engineering, majoring in engineering informatics, then I want to translate well in terms of words English , so I can use better computer program can not deny all that is in a computer program that  English.
2.      Conclusion
Basically everyone wants to be able to spoke English properly, but many obstacles faced by the individual - each learner, the constraints derived from both internal and from external students, and there are a number of learners that can only be a few vocabulary and only know one tenses only, whereas in the vocabulary to speak english.but the capital there is also a lot of familiar vocabulary tense too, but he could  his improve skills, so the ability to not develope. gugun kurniawan , his speaking ability is not too well, as well as with his reading, so he should be given a special approach in the delivery of his material.

lesson plan


SMP                                        : SMP Negeri 1 Cikatomas
Mata Pelajaran                        :Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester                        : VIII/1
Standar Kompetensi               : 1.      Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris
                                                           sederhana dalam konteks sekolah
Kompetensi Dasar                   : 1.2    Memahami kalimat dan teks deskriptif 
                                                            sederhana secara tepat dan  berterima    
Indikator                                 : 1.2.1 Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam
                                                           kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana 
                                                  1.2.2 Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam    teks deskriptif bergambar
Alokasi Waktu                        : 2 x 45 menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran               : 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi   dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana 
                                                  2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi
                                                      dalam teks deskriptif bergambar
Metode Pembelajaran             : 1. Siswa mengidentifikasi informasi dalam kalimat-   kalimat sederhana
                                                  2. Siswa mengidentifikasi informasi yang terdapat
                                                      dalam bacaan 
                                                  3. Siswa melakukan tanya jawab dengan guru
                                                      mengenai bacaan yang sedang dibahas.

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:
  1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
·  Guru bertanya pada siswa mengenai hal yang berkaitan dengan topik bacaan. Sebagai contoh: guru bertanya apakah siswa pernah berekunjung ke hotel ketika akan membahas bacaan mengenai deskriptif hotel.
·  Guru mengajak siswa mengingat kembali kosakata-kosakata yang berkaitan dengan topik bacaan.
  1. Kegiatan Inti
·  Guru membagi siswa dalam kelompok-kelompok yang terdiri dari tiga siswa dalam setiap kelompoknya.
·  Siswa membaca teks secara individual.
·  Setelah selesai membaca, guru meminta siswa bersama-sama dengan teman satu kelompoknya mencocokkan gambar dengan deskripsi yang ada dalam teks.
  1. Kegiatan Penutup
·  Guru memeriksa hasil pekerjaan kelompok siswa dan membahasnya secara bersama-sama.
·  Guru mengaitkan apa yang dibaca siswa dengan kehidupan nyata siswa, misalnya: bila teks yang dibaca tentang liburan, guru meminta siswa menceritakan tentang liburan nya.

Alat/Sumber Belajar:
  1. Buku teks Englis in focus
  2. Buku-buku lain yang relevan
  3. Alat peraga

  1. Teknik: Tes unjuk kerja
  2. Bentuk: Tes identifikasi gambar berdasarkan informasi yang ada dalam kalimat-kalimat sederhana atau dalam teks
  3. Contoh instrumen:
Ø  Read the following text carefully
”Hospitality is our Trademark”
Come to Our Hotel
With Fine facilities
·         100 rooms
·         Restaurant
·         Sport facilities
·         Coffee shop
·         Karaoke room
There is a new hotel in my city,it is a four star hotel.
it is located downtown.
The hotel is not very big but the architecture is very looks like a classic castle in europe.according to the brochure,it has 100 rooms,a fancy restaurant,complete sport facilities including a swimming pool,tennis court,gym and sauna,there are also a coffe shop and a karaoke room.
The picture of the rooms in the brochure are very nice. The rooms look very comfortable. It they contain a big sping bed with big pillow,a nice sofa,a wardrobe and a television system with programmes from al over world. The bathroom is very beautiful although it is not very big. It has a bath tub with hot and cold water so guest can bath in comfortably.
The brochure says” Hospitality is our tradmark”. The staff of that hotel,from the receptionist,house keepers,and bellboys are trained to be a polite and to help guests an any way they can.
Ø Practice one
Find out the main idea of each paragraph from the text
Ø Practice two
Work with your group,answer the following question based on the text.
1.      What makes the hotel different from other?
2.      Describe how the rooms of the hotel looks like?
3.      Describe how the bathroom look like?
4.      Mention some hotel facilities
5.      What is the hotel moto?

Kepala SMP Negeri 1 Cikatomas                      Guru Bahasa Inggris

(________________________)                         (_______________________­)
Nip.                                                                             Feri Defiana

CMD (needs analysis)

Needs analysis

One of the basis assumptions of curriculum development is that a sound educational program should be based on an analysis of learners’ needs. Procedures used to collect information about learners’ needs are known as needs analysis (emerged in 1960s).

1.      purposes of needs analysis
a.       to find out what language skills a learner needs in order to perform a particular role, such as sales manager, tour guide, or university students.
b.      To help determine if existing courses adequately addressed the needs of potential students
c.       To determine which students from a group are most in need of training particular language skills
d.      To identify a gap between what students are able to do and what they need to be able  to do
e.       To collect information about a particular problem leaners are expecting.
  • To determine their communicative abilities in English
  • To determine their formal knolwledge of english
  • To find out how students use language on a daily basis
  • To determine what English language skills are necessary to enable students to participate in all school and comunity activities in English
  • To find out what prior experinces students have had with formal education
  • Etc.
For example:
When a needs analysis of restaurant employees is conducted, the purposes might be:
  • To determine current levels of language proficiency of employees
  • To determine how many employees are in need of the language training
  • To identify senior restairant staff’s perception of language problem employees have on the job
  • To ascertain the types of transaction employees typically perform in English.

Needs analysis may take place prior to, during, or after a language program.

2.      The users of needs analysis
A needs analysis may be conducted for a variety of different users. For example, in conducting a needs analysis to help revise the secondary school English curricuum in a country, the end users include:

    1. curriculum officers in ministry of education, who may wish to use the information to evalute the adequacy of exixting syllabus, curriculum, and materials
    2. teachers who will teach from the new curriculum
    3. learners who will be taught  from the curriculum
    4. writers, who are preparing new textbooks
    5. testing personnel, who are involved in developing end-of-school assesments
    6. staff of tertiary institution, who are interested in knowing what the expected level will be of students exixiting the schools and what problem they face.
3.      The target population
The target population in a needs analysis refers to the people about whom information will be collected. Typically, in language programs these will be language learners or potential language learners, but others are also often involved depending on whether  they can provide information useful in meeting the purposes of the needs analysis. The other target population might include:
    1. policy makers
    2. ministry of education officials
    3. teachers
    4. employers
    5. parents
    6. vocational training specialists
4.      Administering The needs analysis
Planning a needs analysis involves deciding who will adminster the needs  analysis and collect and analyzed the result. In language program, informal needs analysis is part of a teacher’s ongoing responsibilites.
    1. The research team ( academics and research assistant)
    2. Students who piloted the questionnaire
    3. Academic staff who adminiter some of the questionnaire.
    4. Secretarial suport to prepare questionnaire and tabulating data.
Informal needs assessment deals with the informal negotiations that take place between class teachers and students in the form of chats with either individual students, group of students, or the whole class in order to select a focus for the class and create group cohesion by establishing a coincidence of learning needs. ....  Informal needs assessment is normally the main task of the classroom teacher during week one of the course....It is a necessary component of information retrieval on students’ learning needs and should be recorded. It can subsequently be used as  an input for aims and objectives  setting and for devising course outlines. (Shaw and Dowsett 1986, 47-49)

5.      Procedures for conducting needs analysis
A variety of precedures can be used in condcuting needs analysis and the kind of information obtained is often dependent on the type of procedure selected. Since any one source of infromation is likely to be incomplete or partial,  a triangular approach (i.e. collecting information from two or more sources) is advisable. For example, when a needs analysis of the writing problems encountered by foreign students enrolled in American universities is conducted, information could be obtained from the following sources:
·         Samples of students writing
·         Test data on students performance
·         Reports by teachers on typical problems students face
·         Opinon of experts
·         Information from students via interviews and questioneres
·         Analysis of textbook eaching academic writing
·         Etc.
Here are the procedures:
    1. Questionnaire
Questionnaires are one of the most common instruments used. They are relatively easy to prepare. They can be used with large numbers of subjects, and they obtain information that is relatively easy to tabulate and analyze. They can also be used to elicit information about many different kinds of issues such as language use, communication difficulties, preferred learning style, preferred classroom activities, and attitudes and beliefs.
Questionairres are either based on a set of structured items (in which the respondents chooses from a limited number of responses) or unstructured (in which open-ended questions are given that the respondent can answer as he or she chooses).  Structured items are much easier to analyze and are hence normally preferred.
    1. Self-rating
These consists of scales that students or others use to rate their knowledge or abilities. (self-rating might also be included as part of a questuonair.) for example, a student might rate how well he or she can hadle a job interview in English. The disadvantage of such an instrument is that it provides in impressionistic information and information that is not very precise.
    1. Interviews
Interviews allow for a more in-depth exploration of issues than is possible with a questionaire, though they take longer to administer and are only feasible for smaller group. An interview may often be useful at the preliminary stage of designing a questionaire, since it will help the designer get a sense of what topics and issues can be focused on in the the questionaire. A structured interview in which a set series of questions is used allows more consistency accross responses to be obtained. Interviews can be conducted face-to-face or over the telephone.
    1. Meetings
A meeting allows a large amount of information to be collected in a fairly short time. For example, a meeting of teachers on the topic “students’ problem with listening comprehension” might generate a wide range of ides. However, information obtained in this way may be impressionistic and subjective and reflect the ideas of more outspoken members of a group.
    1. Observation
Observations of learners’ behaviour in a target situation is another way of assessing their needs. For example, observing clerks performing their jobs in a bank will enable the observer to arrive at certain conclusion about their language needs.
However, people often do not perform well when they are being observed, so this has to be taken into account. In addition, observation is a specialized skill. Knowing how to observe, what to look for, and how to make use of the informaton obtained generally requires specialized training.
    1. Collecting learner language samples
Collecting data on how well learners perform on different language tasks (e.g., business letters, interviews, telephone calls) and docuenting the typeical problems they have is a useful and direct source of information about learners’ language needs. Language samples may be collected through the following means:
·         Written or oral tasks: examples of students written or oral work are collected
·         Simulations or role plays: students are given simulation to carry out and their performance is observed or recorded.
·         Achievement tests: students are tested for their abilities in different domains of language use.
·         Performance test: students are tested on job-related or task-related behavior, such as “how well a job interview can be carried out in English.”

Cross Culture Understanding
Submitted to Fulfill Assignment of Cross Culture Understanding

Compiled by :

Feri Defiana

1.    Verbal Communication : the Way people Speak
Culture influence communication style although this point may seem obvious culture style can do create miss understandings in conversation among people from different culture.Ex. Following the conversation between an Italian and American, the Italian made a strong political statement which he knew his American friend would disagree. the American rather than openly disagreeing said “well, every one is entitled to an opinion, I accept That your opinion is different than mine”. The Italian responded, “ that’s all you have to say about it?” in general, the American did not enjoy verbal conflicts over politics or anything else. The Italian actually became angry when the American refused to get involved in the discussion. This example say about culture and it’s influence on communication? Surely, there are many American who do get involved in verbal conflicts over politics, just as there are some Italians who would not become involved. However  the above conversation represents type of communication pattern that are related to cultural differences.

A.  Conversational involvement
Many people from cultures that prefer “high involvement” style tend to :
1.      Talk more
2.      Interrupt more
3.      Expect to be interrupted
4.      Talk more loudly at times
5.      Talk more quickly than those from cultures favoring “high considerateness” styles.
On the other hand, people from cultures that favor “high considerateness” style tend to:
1.      Speak one time at time
2.      Use polite listening sounds
3.      Refrain from interrupting
4.      Give plenty of positive and respectful responses to their conversation partners.
The culture that characterized as having “high involvement” conversational style include Russian,Italian,greek,spanish,south American,arab,andAfrican.the various communication style in Asian culture chinese and Japanese would be characterized as “high considerateness”. mainstream American conversation style would also be characterized as high considerateness” although it differs.

B.   Incorrect judgments of character
American can have problems when talking to each other because of differences example : new Yorkers tend to talk faster and respond more quickly than Californians seem slower ,les intelligent and not some Californians,new Yorkers seem pushy an domineering the reactions to such differences are not usually expressed in the following reasonable fashion “the way she speak is different from my way of speaking she must have different cultural upbringing. I wont judge according to my”.The important differences in communication create problems of stereotyping and incorrect judgment among members of diverse groups.

C.  Directness and indirectness
American male – female differences in directness
It is impossible to say that everyone culture communicates similarly.older people often communicate according to more traditional nors than younger people and as mentioned there are regional variations in the way people speak and carry on conversation,I addition there are gender differences in communication style.
The American women have traditionally been less direct (more polite and soft),than man in  making request expressing, criticism an offering opinion the emphasis in the workplace is on culture diversity, women are define as “culture group”.

D.  Cross Culture Implications
Americans may judge members of culture groups that value indirectness (hesitating, not “getting to the point”,and ‘beating around the bush”). As not being assertive enough.When American go to work in countries where indirectness is valued they May need to modify their communications style making request and expressing needs and opinions north Americans working in Latin America would benefit from understanding the culture values of saving face and maintaining harmony,although lain American conversation style are considered high considerateness ,they both tend to value indirectness.

E.   Conversation structures
Peoples communication pattern different the way people converse ,some foreigners have observed that when Americans hold a conversation it seems like they are having ping – pong person has the ball and then hits it to the other side of the table the other player hits the ball back an the game continue if one person doesn’t return the ball the conversation stops. Many north American are impatient with culturally different conversation style simply because the style are unfamiliar the north American woman didn’t know how to interrupt the latin American ways of listening and breaking in are very different she bad been taught to listening politely until the order person had been finished talking.She was not comfortable in the conversation with the latinamericans, the result was that she became more passive in her  conversation with her co-workers.

Ping pong and bowling conversation style
a conversation style that contras with American “ping-pong” conversation style is formal conversation among the Japanese.the American who used to the ping-pong style of communications is probably going to have some difficulty with someone whose conversational style like a bowling game.the Japanese speakers appears passive and uninterested in the conversation,the Japanese style takes too long for the average American.

2.    Nonverbal communication speaking without words
Asian culture the general belief is that it is unacceptable to show emotion openly (sadness,happiness,or pain).how culture differ in their nonverbal expression of emotion,feelings of friendship exist everywhere in the word.

A.  Gestares and Body Positioning
Gesture are specific body movements that carry meaning,hand motions alone can convey many meanings “go away”,”comehere”,”it’sOK”.this same gesture in the Philippines , korea, and part of latinAmerica.many American business executive enjoy relaxing with their feet up on their desk.but to show a person from Saudi Arabia or Thailand the sole of one foot is extremely insuling,because the footis considered the dirties part of the body.

B.  Facial Expressiveness
Facial expressions carry meaning that is determined by situation and relationship,in American culture the smile is typically an expression of pleasure.a woman smile at a police officer does not carry the same meaning as the smile she gives to a young child.Many people in Russia consider smiling at strangers in public to be unusual and even suspicious behaviors .some Russians believe that American smile in the wrong place  and some American believe that Russians don’t smile enough .in southeast Asian culture,a smile is frequently used to cover emotional pain or embarrassment. vietnamese people may tell the sad story of how they had to leave their country but end the story with a public and formal situations many Japanese do not show their emotions as freely as Americans do.japanese and americans seems to show their emotion similarly.

C.  Eye contact
Eye contact is important because insufficient or excessive eye contact can create communication barriers serves to show intimacy,attention and a part in united states,however such as on the west coast and in the south.example,it is usual for two strangers walking passing toward each other to make eye contact ,smile,and perhaps even say “hi’, before immediately looking away.pattern of eye contact are different across culture.someamericans feel uncomfortable with the gaze that is sometimes associated with arab or indian communication the American culture is stated directly in the expression “never trust a person who doesn’t look you in the eyes”.

D.  Conversational Distance
Keep a comfortable distance around us when we interact with other people.this distance names over the years ,including “personal space”,”interpersonaldistance”,”comfortzone”,and “body bubble”..this space between s and another at various distance from people.eaxample,we are usually more comfortable satnding closer to family members than to strangers.ajapanense employer and employee usually stan father apart while talking than their American counterpart.foramericans, the usual distance in social conversation rangers culture may be associated with either greater intimacy or aggressive behaviors.culture does not always determine the message of nonverbal communications,like verbal language,nonverbal language is linked to a person cultural background,when one person nonverbal language matches that of another there is increased comfort,in nonverbal communications across culture there similarities and differences.


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