Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

Bimbingan Belajar 

Setiap pertemuan di mulai dari jam 1.30 sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah di setujui.
harap membawa modul yang telah di sediakan.
selama mengikuti bimbingan diharapkan sungguh - sungguh dan serius.
tidak di perkenankan untuk membawa makanan atau makan ketika pembelajaran telah di mulai.

untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi CP : 089 692 829 886


1. In the restaurant
     Waiter             :    May I take order, please?
     Customer        :    Yes, I’d like a hamburger and a large order of french  fries, please.
     Waiter             :    All right. And would you like salad?
     Customer        :    Yes, I’ll have a small salad.
     Waiter             :    Ok. What kind of dressing would you like? We have Apple Pie, Cheesecake and Chocolate Cake.
     Customer        :    Apple Pie.
     Waiter             :    And would you like anything to drink?
     Customer        :    I’d like a large Orange Juice, please.
     Waiter             :    Thank you.
2.  In a shop
     Clerk               :    Can I help you? 
     Customer        :    Yes, I’d like that skirt. How much is that skirt?
     Clerk               :    Which one do you like?
     Customer        :    I’d like the pink ones.
     Clerk               :    It is $50.
     Customer        :    Can I try it on?
     Clerk               :    Yes, what size are you?
     Customer        :    The medium size
     Customer        :    Ok. I’ll take it. Where can I pay it?
     Clerk               :    Over there.
     Customer        :    Thank You.
3.  In an office
     Secretary         :    Good morning, Parker Industries.
     Mr. Tom          :    Hello, may I speak to Mrs. Graham please?
     Secretary         :    I’m sorry. She’s not in. Would you like to leave a message?
     Mr. Tom          :    Yes, please. This is Mr. Tom
     Secretary         :    All right
     Mr. Tom          :    Please tell her the meeting is on Friday at 02.00 A.M.
     Secretary         :    Friday 02.00 A.M.
     Mr. Tom          :    And would you ask her to phone me this afternoon? My number is 356-4031
     Secretary         :    356-403. Yes, Mr. Tom I will give Mr. Graham the message.
     Mr. Tom          :    Thank you. Good bye.
     Secretary         :    Good bye.
4.  In a hotel
     Receptionist    :    Fairway Hotel.  Can I help you?
     Customer        :    I would like a room for tonight.
     Receptionist    :    What kind of room would you like?
     Customer        :    I’d like a single room, please.
     Receptionist    :    Hold on, please....  I’m afraid all our single rooms are reserved.  The only room wehave available is a twin.
     Customer        :    How much for the twin room?
     Receptionist    :    Sixty dollars including tax.
     Customer        :    Does that include breakfast?
     Receptionist    :    No, but breakfast is available in our dining room.
     Customer        :    OK, I’ll take a room for tonight.

Pengumuman Acara Muharam Di SMK Periwatas

  • Acara audisi Dimulai hari sabtu dari jam 07.00 wib sampai dengan selesai
  • untuk fashion show acara gladi di laksanakan pada hari sabtu pukul 09.00 wib
  • seluruh peserta wajib menghadiri acara tersebut dengan tertib.
  • tempat pelaksanaan di lapangan SMK Periwatas
  • pengundian peserta dilaksanakan pada hari kamis jam 10.00. 

Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Too and enough


too + adjective or adverb
too much/many + noun
too much/many + of + pronoun/determiner

adjective or adverb + enough
enough + noun
enough + of + pronoun/determiner


  1. We use too to mean more than sufficient or more/less than necessary.
    • It's too late to stop him.
    • Jerry was too young to watch the movie.
    • There are too many people on this train, there's nowhere to sit.
    • You have too much money, give some to me.
    • You've eaten too many of those cakes.
  2. We use enough to mean sufficient.
    • Your clothes are big enough to fit me.
    • You've done enough work. You can stop now.
    • Have you got enough money to buy me a drink?
  3. We use enough in negative sentences to mean less than sufficient or less than necessary.
    • You're not working fast enough, you won't finish on time.
    • Sorry, I haven't got enough food for everyone.
    • Not enough of my friends are coming to the part

Too / Enough

Too and Enough

Too and enough indicate degree. They are used with adjectives.
  • Too means more than what is needed.
  • Enough means sufficient.


He is too old to play football with the kids.
Dave is intelligent enough to do the write thing.
You're not working fast enough
I don't have enough time.
He has too many friends.
She has got too much patience

Use of too and enough

1.Enough precedes adjectives and adverbs:
He isn't old enough to watch this program.
We're not walking quickly enough.
2.Enough may also precede nouns:
We have enough money 
I have not got enough money to buy this computer.
3.Too comes before adjectives and adverbs:
It's too hot to wear that coat.
I was driving too fast.
4. Too may also come before nouns when it is used with the expressions too much and too many.
a. Too much is used before uncountable nouns.
There is too much salt in this food.
b. Too many is used before countable nouns
There are too many students in this classroom

Minggu, 22 September 2013

16 Tenses bahasa inggris berikut dapat anda gunakan untuk belajar bahasa inggris. Semua bentuk 16 Tenses bahasa inggris yang ada di blog ini kami sajikan lengkap dengan rumus, fungsi, contoh kalimat, pengertian, dan penjelasan yang rinci. Silahkan pilih kumpulan tensesbahasa inggris di bawah ini untuk dipelajari.

1.        Simple Present Tense
2.        Present Continuous Tense
3.        Present Perfect Tense
5.        Simple Past Tense
6.        Past Continuous Tense
7.        Past Perfect Tense
9.        Simple Future Tense

Sabtu, 21 September 2013

Pengertian Question Tags (Pertanyaan Penegas)

Question Tags (Pertanyaan Tegas) adalah suatu pertanyaan  pendek di akhir kalimat pernyataan yang berfungsi untuk mempertegas pernyataan yang bersangkutan.

Fungsi Question Tags (Pertanyaan Penegas)

Pada umumnya Question Tags berfungsi untuk meminta penegasan dari pendengar tentang sesuatu yang belum begitu meyakinkan pembicara atau dapat dikatakan untuk meminta persetujuan dari pendengar atas pernyataan yang diucapakan.

He is a doctor, isn’t he? (Artinya: Dia seorang dokter, bukan ?)

He is a doctor (dia seorang dokter ) merupakan kalimat pernyataan (Statement) yang diajukan, sedangkan isn’t he? (bukan) merupakan pertanyaan tegasnya (Question Tags).

Question Tags (Pertanyaan Tegas ) dibentuk dari to be, modal auxiliariesdan Auxiliary Verblainnya (is, am, are, does, do, did, can, have, may, must, will, shall, etc) yang dikombinasikan dengan Personal Pronoun (Kata Ganti Orang) yaitu I, we, you, they, he, she, it.

Cara Membuat dan Contoh Question Tags

Ada beberapa aturan yang harus diperhatikan pada saat membentuk Question Tags (Pertanyaan Tegas), yaitu:

Apabila Pernyataannya (Statement) merupakan Kalimat Positif (+), maka pertanyaan tegasnya Negatif (-), contohnya:

He is a doctor, isn’t he? (Artinya: Dia seorang dokter, bukan ?)

Sebaliknya apabila Pernyataannya (Statement) merupakan Kalimat Negatif (-), maka pertanyaan penegasnya Positif (+), contohnya:

You are not happy, are you? (Artinya: Kamu tidak senang, bukan?)
Mary isn’t here, is she? (Artinya: Mary tidak disini, bukan/kan?)

Subject dalam Pertanyaan Penegasnya (Tag)-nya harus selalu berbentuk Personal Pronouns (Kata Ganti Orang/Orang), contohnya:

George goes to school by bicycle, doesn’t he?
(Artinya: George pergi ke sekolah naik sepeda, bukan?)
You Like Tea, don’t you?
(Artinya: Kamu suka teh, bukan?)

Apabila dalam kalimat pernyataan menggunakan To Be  (Kata Kerja Bantu  To Be ) yaitu is, am, are, was, were, maka to be tersebut harus diulang dalam Pertanyaan Penegas (Tag) dengan bentuk yang berlawanan, contohnya:

You are not a policeman, are you? (Artinya: Kamu bukan polisi, bukan/kan?)
*sama seperti contoh cara membentuk question tag nomor 1 & 2 di atas.

Apabila dalam kalimat pernyataan positif terdapat to be “am” yang berpasangan dengan subyek I(I am), maka dalam pertanyaan penegas to be  harus diganti dengan “are”, contohnya:

I am a student, aren’t I? (Artinya: Saya seorang pelajar, bukan?)

Sedangkan apabila kalimat yang menggunakan subyek “I am” berbentuk negatif, maka dalam pertanyaan penegasnya, to be“am” tidak mengalami perubahan, contohnya:

I am not a servant, am I? (Artinya: Saya bukan pelayan, bukan?)

Apabila dalam kalimat pernyataaan menggunakan Kata Kerja Bantu (Auxiliary Verb) yaitu can, may, should, would, will, shall, has, had, selain to be, maka Kata Kerja Bantu tersebut harus diulang di dalam Pertanyaan Penegasnya (Tag) dengan bentuk yang berlawanan, contohnya:

She will invite us, won’t she? (Artinya: Dia akan mengundang kita, bukan ?)

Apabila dalam kalimat pernyataanya tidak menggunakan Kata Kerja Bantu (Auxiliary Verb) atau hanya berupa Kata Kerja (Verb), maka dalam pertanyaan penegasnya (Tag) harus menggunakando, does, atau did (tergantung Tenses yang digunakan), contohnya:

Patricia looks pale, doesn’t she? (Artinya: Patricia kelihatan pucat, bukan?)

Sedangkan untuk kalimat perintah atau ajakan, maka Pertanyaan Penegas (Question Tag)dibentuk dengan menggunakan “will you” dan “shall we”, contohnya:

Stop the noise, will you?

Ada beberapa kalimat positif yang di anggap sebagai Kalimat Negatif apabila kalimat pernyataan positif tersebut diikuti oleh kata-kata berikut ini:

never: tidak pernah
seldom: jarang
rarely: jarang
hardly: hampir tidak
few/little: sedikit
Nothingtidak ada
Karena kalimat pernyataanya bersifat negative, maka Pertanyaan Penegasnya (Tag)-nya harus positif, contohnya:

He has never gone to Jakarta, has he?
(Artinya: Dia belum pernah pergi ke Jakarta, bukan?)
She seldom comes late, does she?
(Dia jarang datang terlambat, bukan?)

Pertanyaan penegas juga memerlukan jawaban untuk meyakinkan atas kebenaran pernyataan yang diajukan.  Untuk memperoleh jawaban yang positif atau yes ,…., maka kalimat pernyataanya harus positif, contohnya:

She is a doctor, isn’t she?
(Artinya: Dia seorang dokter, bukan?)
Jawaban: Yes, She is. (Iya)

Sedangkan jika ingin mendapatkan jawaban negatif atau no ,…, maka kalimat pernyataanya harus negatif, contohnya:

He doesn’t like swimming, does he?
(Artinya: Dia tidak suka berenang, bukan?)
Jawaban: No, He doesn’t. (Tidak)

Cara Pengucapan Question Tags

Dengan intonasi meninggi jika si pembicara benar-benar ingin memastikan atau menegaskan bahwa informasi, ide, dan keyakinannya benar.

Contoh: Samuel lives in an apartment, doesn’t he ?

Dengan intonasi merendah jika si pembicara sedang mengekspresikan ide dengan sesuatu yang hampir pasti si pendengar akan setuju.

Contoh: It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?


Gerund adalah kata benda yang berasal dari kata kerja ditambah –ing, misalnyaswimming, eating, fishing, shopping, dancing, dan singing. Bila diperhatikan, gerundmempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan present participle, bedanya gerund berfungsi sebagai kata benda, sedangkan present participle sebagai kata sifat yang menerangkan kata benda.

Dalam kalimat, gerund berfungsi sebagai:
a. subjek (subject)
b. pelengkap subjek (subjective complement)
c. objek langsung (direct object)
d. objek preposisi (object of preposition)
e. aposisi (appositive)

Gerund sebagai subjek pokok kalimat, contoh:
Swimming is good.
- Your singing is very beautiful.
Studying needs time and patience.
Playing tennis is fun.
Reading English is easier than speaking it.

Subjective Complement
Gerund sebagai pelengkap subjek dalam kalimat biasanya selalu didahului to be yang terletak di antara subject dan subjective complement, contoh:
- My favorite sport is running.
- My favorite activity is reading.

Direct Object
Gerund sebagai objek langsung dalam kalimat, contoh:
- I enjoy dancing.
- She likes dancing.
- Thank you for your coming.
- I hate arguing.

Object of Preposition
Gerund sebagai objek preposisi yang terletak setelah preposisi. Preposisi yang sering dipakai adalah of, on, no, with, without, at for, after, before, because of, to, like, about, for, by, in.
- He is tired of gambling.
- I am fond of eating bakso.
- He insisted on seeing her.
- I have no objection to hearing your story.
- You will not be clever without studying.
- They are good at telling funny stories.
In sleeping I met you in the park.

Gerund sebagai aposisi atau penegas dalam kalimat, contoh:
- My hobby, fishing, is interesting.
- I do not like quarrelling, a useless job.
My hobby is fishing dan fishing is interesting diletakkan bersebelahan dalam sebuah kalimat sebagai appositive (fishing adalah aposisi dari my hobby), begitu juga contoh kalimat dibawahny

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Interactionist Paradigm

The interaction paradigm is one of the three major approaches we use to do sociology. It's associated with George H. Mead and others who focus on the ways we humans behave among ourselves through the use of language and its subjective meanings. In order to develop a sense of "self" and to get along with others we need to develop shared symbolic meanings. That's the focus of this approach. It focuses on individual relationships and is associated with social psychology.
In sociology, interactionism is a theoretical perspective that derives social processes (such as conflict, cooperation, identity formation) from human interaction. It is the study of how individuals act within society. Interactionist theory has grown in the latter half of the twentieth century and has become one of the dominant sociological perspectives in the world today. By using the term interactionist we refer to scholarship in the tradition of symbolic interactionism as well as other frameworks and perspectives that emphasize interpretations and meanings of social actions and interactions.
interactionist is a theoretical perspective that derives social processes (such as conflict, cooperation, identity formation) from human interaction. It is the study of how individuals act within society.
Herbert Blumer (1969) set out three basic premises of the perspective:
·> "Humans act toward things on the basis of the meanings they ascribe to those things."
·>"The meaning of such things is derived from, or arises out of, the social interaction that one has with others and the society."
·>"These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the things he/she encounters."
Blumer, following Mead, claimed that people interact with each other by interpreting or defining each other's actions instead of merely reacting to each other's actions. Their 'response' is not made directly to the actions of one another but instead is based on the meaning which they attach to such actions. Thus, human interaction is mediated by the use of symbols and signification, by interpretation, or by ascertaining the meaning of one another's actions (Blumer 1962). Blumer contrasted this process, which he called "symbolic interaction," with behaviorist explanations of human behavior, which does not allow for interpretation between stimulus and response. Blumer believed that the term symbolic interactionism has come into use as a label for relatively distinctive approach to the study of human group life and human conduct.

The interactionist paradigm is most focused on meaning-making and interactions among human beings. Within this broad paradigm, (which is not mutually exclusive of the conflict paradigm), the social world is seen as consisting of fluid, contingent meanings created by people, which need to be understood within their own material and imagined contexts. Imagined contexts are the collective memories and actions that people share about a particular place or experience (Anderson 1991).  The primary goal of interactionist paradigm is to understand the social world and its collectivities (i.e. representations of multiple groups) by examining how people construct and act in their social worlds. While there are multiple varieties of interpretive approaches, they share the perspective that the social world is produced and reproduced through constant engagement with other and oneself, made possible through language and shared understandings and interpretations.Interactionist theories do not assume that the meanings of things are inherent or intrinsic to those things, but rather they are mutually and collectively constructed and define and can be redefined as human interact with another (Blumer 1969; Strauss 1993)


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