Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

needs analisis (esp)





1.      Students' Analysis

a)      General information

Name               : Gugun kurniawan
Age                  : 22 years
Gender                        : male
School             : Siliwangi university informatics technique
b)      Needs assessment
1)              Experience during the learning EFL
It felt awkward and embarrassed when speaking, because a lot of the wrong word, the teacher often scolded when studying because it's hard to concentrate, and contributed to the decline in the value of English subjects, and is also used when learning EFL, it is difficult to memorize the tenses and its structure , when the presentation was very difficult at all if you have to use English.

2)   Motivation
Because I am weak in English language, and I also really want to learn English because they are the universal language of English, is in need in times like the current progress.

3)      EFL learning difficulties
1. English was not yet entrenched among students because English is still considered a foreign language support is difficult to learn.
2. To deepen interest in the English faculty thnik not least because the main course.
3. Teaching staff (lecturer) only discuss the general nature only.
4. It difficult to concentrate in the study the English language.
5. Facilities in the study of English language support is still minimal.
6. Many words are difficult to read and memorized.
4)        Sense of learning EFL
I am feeling very happy when learning EFL, despite the many difficulties that I encounter, because I think learning English is essential for the future, because it can not deny that in the department of informatics of this technique in the English language is needed for translation of program data it is essential to achieve a program on the computer.Objectives into the course.Because I studied at the faculty of engineering, majoring in engineering informatics, then I want to translate well in terms of words English , so I can use better computer program can not deny all that is in a computer program that  English.
2.      Conclusion
Basically everyone wants to be able to spoke English properly, but many obstacles faced by the individual - each learner, the constraints derived from both internal and from external students, and there are a number of learners that can only be a few vocabulary and only know one tenses only, whereas in the vocabulary to speak english.but the capital there is also a lot of familiar vocabulary tense too, but he could  his improve skills, so the ability to not develope. gugun kurniawan , his speaking ability is not too well, as well as with his reading, so he should be given a special approach in the delivery of his material.


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